Old slang adage: "Pair garam, pet naram and sar thanda fir aye koi bimari to maro CHAR danda"
Let's define fitness
First and foremost: Stomach must be good - means it's free from constipation, motion must not depend upon tea, cigarette, etc, acidity and gas issues.
Metabolism and digestion: Metabolism and digestion come under stomach or vice versa is more correct but to highlight the importance we are covering this as second points.
Immunity: Good immunity is a requirement as of now.
Cool mind
What can we do to maintain/enhance our fitness level forever?
Fresh herbal juice in the morning and minimum 2 km walk
If possible 20 mins yoga
Fresh herbal juice? How much to have?
250 ml is sufficient if you are fit and wanna manage this fitness level with age or want to have slight enhancement in fitness level.

Types of fresh herbal juice you can have in the morning?​
Taste wise list


Wheatgrass Juice

Amla & Aloe Vera Juice

Barley Grass Juice

Giloy Juice

Mix Juice
Wheatgrass + Barley grass + Giloy + Aloe vera + Petha
Drink and have amla few slices afterwards just after drinking.
Best herbal juices to have according to a season in India
Season-wise list

Petha juice
Amla & Aloe Vera juice
Aloe Vera juice
Giloy juice
Mix juice

Petha juice
Amla & Aloe Vera juice
Aloe Vera juice
Giloy juice
Mix juice

Post Monsoon
Petha juice
Amla & Aloe Vera juice
Aloe Vera juice
Giloy juice
Mix juice

Petha juice
Wheatgrass juice
Amla & Aloe Vera juice
Aloe Vera juice
Giloy juice
Mix juice

Petha juice
What is petha?
Commonly called Agra wala petha,ash gourd,winter melon.
Ingredients we use in petha juice?
Petha, raw dhaniya plant,*beal patra,*banana stem
Protects and cures from 100 plus issues/illness, listing few commonly faced by Indians below:
Kidney stones, Overweight, Underweight, Gallbladder stones, Nutrition, Stomach issues, Liver issues, Heart problems, Mind, Blood, Bleeding, Heat, Pancreas, High BP, Ulcers, Sperm quality, Lactating Mothers, Post pregnancy, Metabolism, Skin, Hair, Cholesterol

Wheatgrass juice
What is wheatgrass?
Wheatgrass is a baby plant (6-8 inches) long of wheat we have in the form of chapati.
Ingredients we use in wheatgrass juice?
Wheatgrass & mineral water.
How is juice made?
Wheatgrass is chopped to fine pieces or can be directly stirred in the mixer for 30 seconds. Add some more water afterwards and strain with a cotton cloth or with a filter.
Types of wheatgrass to use:
Soil grown: Soil grown should be organic
Fertilizers: Do use them
Sprouted ones without soil: Yes but it's difficult to be grown
Where can you avail organic wheat grass?
Through us: www.qykfit.com
Where can you get wheatgrass juice?
From us: www.qykfit.com
Internet is flooded with benefits, however listing few our customers told us so -
Detox + Nutrition: Ultimate juice to have while detoxifying and filling yourself with ultimate nutrition.it's immense ability to increase haemoglobin levels.
Energy: If feeling low in energy can fill you with lots of it.
Immunity: Highly recommended to increase your immunity.
Respiratory issues: Mahesh a smoker by habit was unable to climb few storeys, after having wheat grass he was with no difficulty now can climb 2-3 storeys.
Cancer: This along with giloy, tulsi, punarnava, sadabahar etc is an excellent juice for cancer patients.

Amla & Aloe vera juice
Ingredients we use in Amla & Aloe Vera juice?
Amla, Aloevera, Ginger (optional), Kachi haldi (optional)
This juice in Ayurveda is called longevity juice which increases our blissful lifespan.
Complete Nourisher.
Immunity+ Nourishment + Detox: Complete Nourisher of our body simultaneously flushes toxins.
Perfect for a healthy person to have lifetime every day.
Hair and skin: We all know it.

Aloe vera juice
An alternative to amla aloe vera juice if you don't like amla taste.
Excellent one to control hormonal imbalance
Excellent for stomach
Weightloss purpose